PC Helen Houghton
Golden's Bridge Hounds encourages capping when available. All requests for permission to cap must be directed solely to the Honorary Secretary. Upon permission to cap, payment and the signed liability release shall be given directly to the Field Secretary upon arrival at the meet. Checks should be made out to Golden’s Bridge Hounds and placed in a plain envelope with your name on the outside.
PC Helen Houghton
Non Formal Hunting Attire
Hacking jackets of subtle colors and soft patterns in linen or tweed are correct, with or without a vest.
Dress shirts, long sleeve or short, in pastel or mild patterns or tattersall permitted, as well as turtlenecks.
A straight tie for ladies and gentlemen. Alternatively, ladies may wear a ratcatcher collar or colored or patterned stock tie with a stock pin. White or ecru shirts and stock ties are not appropriate during cubbing or for informal attire at any time.
Buff or tan breeches. Solid green jackets and rust breeches are strictly worn by the Huntsman and Staff.
Brown field boots are most correct. Black boots (without brown or patent tops) are also appropriate. Chaps are not acceptable.
Brown, navy, or black velvet hunting cap or helmet.
Light or dark brown gloves, leather, or crocheted backs.
Jackets may be waived only at the discretion of the Masters.
Ladies and gentleman with hair that cannot neatly be tucked up into their helmets, should wear a hairnet.
Note: ASTM approved safety helmet are strongly encouraged and are required for all participants under age 18. Safety vests are permitted.